Workshop Outline

Campaign Strategy

Developing a strategy allows you to plan on how to reach your goals, based on analysis of the situation. Understanding what you're looking to achieve from recruitment campaigns is as important as the end result.

Learn all about:

  • Objectives and Goals - A well-defined campaign strategy helps set clear, measurable objectives and goals. This clarity ensures that every action taken is aligned with the desired outcomes, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, engagement, or generating recruitment leads. With clear goals, it’s easier to track progress and make adjustments as needed to stay on course.
  • Resource Optimisation - Developing a campaign strategy allows for the efficient allocation of resources, including time, money, and personnel. This optimisation is crucial for staying within budget and achieving the best possible results from your efforts.
  • Messaging and Branding - A cohesive campaign strategy ensures that all communications and marketing efforts convey a consistent message and align with the brand’s identity. Consistency helps build trust and recognition among the target audience. When all elements of the campaign work together harmoniously, it reinforces the brand’s message and increases the likelihood of achieving campaign objectives.
  • SM92's award winning recruitment strategy - including all steps you'll need to take for a success recruitment campaign across Meta.
A/B Testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method used in digital marketing to compare two versions of a webpage, email, advertisement, or other marketing assets to determine which one performs better.

Learn all about:

  • Data-Driven Decisions: A/B testing provides empirical data on what works best, helping to make informed decisions rather than relying on assumptions.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regular A/B testing allows for ongoing optimisation of Meta campaigns, leading to continuous performance improvements.
  • Risk Mitigation: By testing changes on a smaller scale before a full rollout, A/B testing reduces the risk of implementing changes that might negatively impact performance.
  • Identifying which version of a marketing asset generates the most effective results, such as higher conversion rates, better click-through rates, or more engagement.
  • What to look for when testing campaigns in terms of analytics.
  • The process of preparing an A/B test.
Building Your Campaign

Building a Meta campaign involves creating targeted Ads that appear across user's timeline, messenger, stories, reels, marketplace etc. It's a multi-step process where you define your goals, target audience, creative, budget, and ad copy.

Learn all about:

  • Meta advertising for recruitment that leverages the platform's extensive reach, precise targeting, and interactive ad formats to attract high-quality candidates efficiently and cost-effectively. It enhances your recruitment efforts by making your job openings more visible and appealing to a broader audience.
  • Campaign goals that define clear and measurable goals for your campaign, such as website traffic, lead generation, or brand awareness.
  • Audience targeting to identify your ideal candidate and use Meta's targeting options (demographics, interests, behaviour attributes) to reach them effectively.
  • Budget setting to get realistic figure for your campaign and explore bidding strategies to optimise your ad spend based on your goals.
  • Variations in ad copy creation - create persuasive ad copy to enthuse users, highlights your unique selling proposition and motivates users to click.
  • On-Facebook lead forms and how to optimise them to increase the quality of the leads that apply

Your Meta budget is the total amount you're willing to spend on your campaigns per day or month. It determines how often your ads are shown and the overall reach of your campaign.

Learn all about:

  • Controlling your spending to allow you to control your advertising costs and avoid overspending.
  • Optimising campaign performance in real-time to give you a clear understanding your budget helps you choose appropriate bidding strategies and optimise your campaigns for maximum return on investment (ROI).
  • Flexibility, agility and scalability so can adjust your budget as needed, allowing you to start small, test different strategies, and scale up successful campaigns.
  • Defining Clear Objectives - Establishing specific, measurable goals for your recruitment campaigns to guide budget allocation and strategy.
  • Audience Targeting - Use Meta’s targeting tools to define your audience precisely. Narrowing down demographics, interests, and behaviours ensures your budget is spent on reaching the most relevant users.
  • Ad Placement Strategy - Choose between automatic placements and manual placements based on where your audience is most active. Test different placements to identify where your ads perform best.
How To Manage Leads

When receiving leads across Meta from the recruitment campaigns, it's important to ensure you have the correct process in place to manage an increased volume of leads.

Learn all about:

  • Increased Conversion Rates - Leads that are contacted promptly are more likely to convert. Quick follow-up can capitalise on the lead's interest while it is still high, improving the likelihood of turning a prospect into a new recruit.
  • Competitive Advantage - In the Care Sector, there is significant competition for potential candidates. Prompt follow-up can give you a competitive edge by ensuring that you engage with leads before your competitors do. This timely engagement can help you stand out and demonstrate your commitment and responsiveness, enhancing your chances of winning a new candidate.
  • Building Trust and Credibility - Responding quickly to inquiries and leads shows that you value their interest and are attentive to their needs. This responsiveness builds trust and credibility with potential candidates.
  • SM92's award winning recruitment process - including all steps you'll need to take for a success recruitment campaign across Meta
  • Why you should be managing Meta leads differently to Job Board leads
  • Other methods to consider when following up with candidates
10-15 Minutes Q&A




Your teacher: Josh James-Lucy

With almost a decade of experience of marketing, Josh’s expertise has led him to become one of the UK’s leading social media specialists, whilst directing a rapidly growing social media agency, Social Media 92.