The course will look at what Section 42 enquiry is and when this should take place. What an adult safeguarding review may entail. What the current situation regards to the types of safeguarding enquiries looks like and how this applies to the sector.
The course is interactive and has relevant activities and group discussion to encourage networking and sharing of best practice.
The course is specifcally tailored for domiciliary care.
You get:
- How to ensure a safer culture within the workplace, following the 6 principles of the care act and how to embed this within the organisation.
- How to raise, or deal with a safeguarding raised against the organisation including how to learn form incidents to become a safer organisation
- An understanding of who is at risk
- To recognise indicators of harm and abuse
- To understand relevant legislation and how this relates to practice
- To know how to manage risk and ensure people are safe from harm and abuse
- To understand what a safeguarding policy should include
- How to ensure you comply with regulations
- To become a Learning Organisation