Useful links
Business development
Business Link
On-line information for small business owners in England with guidance on key business issues such as finance, employment law, tax and sector regulation.
Business Support Wales
Business Support Wales is a free, impartial information service created for businesses in Wales.
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
The department brings together responsibilities for business, industrial strategy, science, innovation, energy, and climate change
Health and Safety Executive
The Health and Safety Executive is responsible for health and safety regulation in Great Britain, ensuring that risks to people's health and safety in the workplace are properly controlled.
HMRC is the UK’s tax, payments and customs authority. It is responsible for a number of things including ensuring the correct tax is paid at the right time and employers’ compliance with the statutory minimum wage. VAT there is a national helpline number 0845 010 9000.
Information Commissioner's Office
All public and private organisations are legally obliged to protect any personal information they hold. Public authorities are also obliged to provide public access to official information. The ICO helps people to understand these obligations and keep the public updated as and when they change.
Invest Northern Ireland
Invest Northern Ireland is Northern Ireland's main economic development organisation and can offer advice to businesses in Northern Ireland.
Public Contracts Scotland [Social Community Care Supplies and Services]
Portal run by Scottish Government to give free access to contracting opportunities in Scotland. It gives details of contracts with Scottish Local authorities, including care at home and Housing Support services.
Scottish Enterprise
Scottish Enterprise is Scotland's main economic development agency, funded by the Scottish Executive. It offers advice on starting up and running a business in Scotland.
Care advice and practice (including regulation)
Age UK
Largest UK-wide charity working with and for older people. Runs a helpline to contact on issues relating to care on 0800 00 9966 and provides many helpful publications and factsheets.
Our Life Plan
Online internet guide to the rights and care of older people, and the care options available.
Care Inspectorate Wales
The Inspectorate responsible for regulation and inspection of social care providers in Wales based on legislation and minimum standards.
Care Quality Commission
The Commission responsible for regulation and inspection of social care providers in England based on legislation and minimum standards.
Carers Trust
The Princess Royal Trust for Carers offers information, advice and support to the quarter of a million unpaid informal carers, including 13,000 young carers below the age of eighteen.
Carers UK
Carers UK is a national organisation campaigning to highlight the true value of paid and unpaid carers' contribution to society and ensure carers get the practical, financial and emotional support they need.
Dementia UK
Provides specialist support for families through their Admiral Nurse Service
Elderly Accommodation Counsel
A charity which helps older people make decisions about where to live and the care they need. This internet link goes directly to their care information site and they also have a sister site which provides advice on housing options
First Stop Advice
First Stop Advice is the comprehensive one stop advisory service for older people, their families and carers covering housing, care, money and rights. One call to the advice line 0800 377 70 70 or one visit to brings together the skills of four organisations working in partnership for the benefit of older people - Help the Aged, Elderly Accommodation Counsel, Counsel and Care and NHFA Care Advice.
Independent Age
A national charity providing advice and support to older people and their families. We offer regular phone calls and visits to older people, as well as free, impartial information and advice on the issues that matter: care and support, money and benefits, health and mobility.
Macmillan Cancer Support
Provides support, information and advice to people diagnosed with cancer. Macmillan nurses assess complex needs, give advice to other healthcare professionals and support people with cancer to understand their treatment options.
NHS Care and Support
A national website and helpline for those caring for family and friends, which contains advice and information on carer’s rights, entitlements, support and access to education and training.
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)
SCIE's aim is to develop and promote knowledge about good practice in social care. Using knowledge gathered from diverse sources and a broad range of people and organisations, SCIE develops resources which are available without charge, supporting those working in social care and empowering service users.
The Care Inspectorate
The body responsible for regulation and inspection of social care in Scotland based on legislation and care standards.
The Care Provider Alliance
The CPA brings together all the representative bodies for independent adult social care providers in the UK including the Homecare Association.
The Live-In Care Hub
A website run by Homecare Association members with information on arranging live-in care.
The National Careline
The National Careline is a not for profit company offering a free information service about care and support for older people, their carers and their families.
The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA)
The RQIA regulates (registers and inspects) a wide range of health and social care services in Northern Ireland. The regulation of services is based on minimum care standards.
Think Local Act Personal
A national partnership of more than 50 organisations committed to transforming health and care through personalisation and community-based support.
The Money Advice Service
Free and impartial advice service helping people to manage their money.
Disability Issues
Alzheimer's Society
A care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. The Society has over 250 branches and support groups in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It provides helplines, runs care services, funds medical and scientific research and gives financial help to families in need.
Versus Arthritis
Versus Arthritis exists to support people with arthritis. It is the UK's largest organisation working with and for all people who have arthritis. It is also a user-led organisation which means people with arthritis are at the heart of its work.
British Heart Foundation
The aim of the British Heart Foundation is to play a leading role in the fight against disease of the heart and circulatory system. It plays a major role in funding heart research, education and providing advice to people affected by heart disease.
Cystic Fybrosis Trust
As well as research into the causes of Cystic Fybrosis, the Trust helps those affected by the disease to seek advice and care.
Information on this site on all aspects of public service support for disability, from finance, to travel and rights and obligations.
Disability Rights UK
Disability Rights UK is the leading charity of its kind in the UK. It is run by and for people with lived experience of disability or health conditions.
Living Made Easy
Living Made Easy is a national charity that provides free, impartial advice about all types of products for older and disabled people, their carers and families. They can assist in finding equipment solutions that enable people to stay active and independent.
Huntington's Disease Association
The HDA is a UK registered charity which supports people affected by Huntington's disease (HD). It also provides information and advice to families, friends and health care professionals whose task it is to support Huntington's disease families.
Marie Curie Cancer Care
Established in 1948 - the same year as the NHS - Marie Curie Cancer Care is now one of the UK's largest charities. Employing more than 2,700 nurses, doctors and other healthcare professionals, it provides care to around 25,000 people with cancer every year, along with support for their families.
Mencap is the UK's leading learning disability charity working with people with a learning disability and their families and carers.
Mind is a leading mental health charity in England and Wales, campaigning to improve life for everyone with experience of mental distress and providing mental health information by phone, email and letter.
Multiple Sclerosis Society
The MS Society is a charity dedicated to helping people affected by MS. Across the UK information and support is available to anyone affected by MS from a network of over 350 local branches.
Parkinsons UK
Parkinsons UK is the leading charity dedicated to supporting all people with Parkinson's, their families, friends and carers.
Working together to help people suffering with severe mental illness to recover a better quality of life. It is the largest national voluntary sector provider of mental health services with over 350 services and more than 130 support groups.
Royal National Institute for the Blind
The UK's leading charity offering information, support and advice to over two million people with sight problems. RNIB helps anyone with a sight problem, such as braille and talking books, but also with imaginative and practical solutions to everyday challenges.
RNID is the largest charity working for the UK's 9 million deaf and hard of hearing people. RNID campaigns, lobbies and raises awareness of hearing loss, and provides services and social and medical research.
Scope, are a disability equality charity in England and Wales. They provide practical information and emotional support when it's most needed campaign relentlessly to create a fairer society.
Spinal Injuries Association
SIA is the national organisation of spinal cord injured people. It represents interests regardless of how the impairment occurred, whether or not it has resulted in full or partial paralysis. It also supports all those who are affected by spinal cord injury, including the family and friends of the disabled person.
Terrence Higgins Trust
The Terrence Higgins Trust helps anyone affected by HIV and offers a wide range of support services such as emotional support and information by phone, help with accessing HIV testing, advice about rights, treatment advice and contact with support groups.
The Dementia Services Development Centre (University of Stirling, Scotland)
Staffed by academics, health and social care professionals and researchers provide comprehensive dementia education and training, consultancy and research services. The Centre’s flagship Iris Murdoch Building is a model for dementia friendly design.
The Stroke Association
The Stroke Association is the only national charity solely concerned with combating stroke in people of all ages. It funds research into prevention, treatment and better methods of rehabilitation, and helps stroke patients and their families directly through its community services.
Which? Assistive technology for disability and dementia
Which, the Consumers’ Association, has produced a free online guide on 'Assistive technology for disability and dementia' which describes assistive technology and telecare products which can help people live independently, including home security.
Which have also published an online guide to domiciliary care.
Disclosure, crime and protection from abuse
The Hourglass mission is simple: end the harm, abuse and exploitation of older people in the UK.
Disclosure and Barring Service
The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), provides wide access to criminal record information through its Disclosure Service. This will help organisations identify candidates who may be unsuitable for certain work, especially that involve children or vulnerable adults through its checking system. The DBS covers England and Wales and replaced the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA).
Disclosure Scotland
Disclosure Scotland is a service designed to enhance public safety by providing organisations the details of criminal history information on individuals applying for posts. Disclosure Scotland issues certificates which give details of an individual's criminal convictions or state that they have none.
NACRO is the crime reduction charity, finding practical solutions to reducing crime. It offers employers practical advice on the employment of ex-offenders and work with vulnerable adults.
Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Team (Northern Ireland)
The Team keep a list of those individuals who have been deemed as unsuitable to work with vulnerable adults and children, to enable checks to be made for those being considered for work in social care.
Education and Training
Community Care Conferences
Community Care regularly produces conferences throughout the year, covering key topics and current issues for the social care world.
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
The department brings together responsibilities for business, industrial strategy, science, innovation, energy, and climate change
Department for Education
Department for Education and Skills (Wales)
Responsible for education and skills in Wales from early years through to further and higher education.
Education and Skills Funding Agency
The ESFA brings together the former responsibilities of the Education Funding Agency (EFA) and Skills Funding Agency (SFA) to create a single agency accountable for funding education and skills for children, young people and adults.
Northern Ireland Social Care Council
NISCC has been established to raise standards in the Northern Ireland social care workforce. There are around 49,000 social care workers and the NISCC can help advise on training of the workforce.
Scottish Social Services Council
The Scottish Social Services Council is responsible for promoting and developing education and training for the social services workforce in Scotland. It is also responsible for regulating and awarding professional social work qualification as well as registering social care workers.
Skills for Care
Skills for Care helps create a well-led, skilled and valued adult social care workforce. They are a trusted independent charity with over 18 years’ experience in workforce development, working as a delivery partner for the Department of Health and Social Care.
Social Care Wales
Works to build confidence in the workforce, and lead and support improvement in social care. Responsible for the registration of social care workers.
Employment, Recruitment and Equal Opportunities
The publicly funded independent arbitration and conciliation service, helping ensure better employment relations. Has a free helpline to answer queries on employment practice and law.
Equality Commission for Northern Ireland
The Equality Commission for Northern Ireland is an independent public body established under the Northern Ireland Act 1998. The Commission's general duties include working towards the elimination of discrimination in all forms.
Job Centre Plus
Help and advice on job hunting, and site for employers to advertise their vacancies.
The National Apprenticeship Service helps employers attract apprentices and supports both employers and apprentices in all sectors.
Working in the UK (UK Border Agency)
Home Office site which provides clear information about the various routes open to Foreign Nationals who want to come and work in the UK.
Government in the UK, Legislation And Policy
GOV.UK - Public Services all in one place.
Equality and Human Rights Commission
The EHRC have a statutory remit to promote and monitor human rights; and to protect, enforce and promote equality across the nine "protected" grounds - age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, sexual orientation and gender reassignment.
Northern Ireland
The NI Executive is made up of the First Minister, deputy First Minister, and eight departmental Ministers.
The National Archives
A website managed by The National Archives on behalf of HM Government that publishes all UK legislation.
The Scottish Government
The Scottish Governmentt is responsible for most of the issues of day-to-day concern to the people of Scotland, including health, education, justice, rural affairs, and transport.
UK Parliament
The UK Parliament site tracks the progress of legislation through both the House of Commons and House of Lords, enables live viewing of parliamentary speeches and debates and the daily record of activity in the Hansard.
Welsh Government
The Welsh Government is responsible for most of the issues of day-to-day concern to the people of Wales, including the economy, health, education, and local government.