Update on the Rebalancing Care and Support Programme
The Deputy Minister has made a statement in the Senedd providing an update on the Rebalancing Care and Support Programme (you can read the previous consultation here, and our response to it). In it she outlines that the outcome of the consultation is as follows:
National framework for commissioned care and support: they are updating the code of practice following consultation feedback, and are expecting to lay the code of practice in ealry 2024. They will also produce a digital toolkit of good practice for commissioners.
Functions of the national office for care and support: they are refining plans and will have a core national office in place by April 2024.
Strengthening partnership working and integration of services: there will be some amendments to the revised Part 2 code of practice which will be laid during spring 2024.
Partnership Arrangements (Wales) Regulations 2015 - there will be further consultation in the new year.
Local authority social services annual reports: the changes in the code will come into effect in April 2025
Pay and progression framework: will continue to be developed by the fair work forum
National Care Service - a three-stage implementation plan will be published before the end of the calendar year.
You can read the Welsh Government's summary of the consultation responses here: