Update on reforms in Wales
The Deputy Minister for Social Services has issued a written statement providing an update on progress on the Rebalancing Care and Support Programme. This gives further information on the previously published initial implementation plan for the National Care Service.
A draft Code of Practice which will form the National Framework for the Commissioning of Care and Support will be shortly laid before the Senedd to come into force in September. This will set out the principles and standards for commissioning practice in the NHS and Local Authorities across Wales. A digital toolkit will be available to support commissioners to implement this Code.
The National Office for Care and Support will be established in April 2024. This will support the Chief Social Care Office for Wales, undertake further work on the National Care Service proposals, and implement and manage the National Framework for commissioning.
A duty for local authorities to promote social enterprise, cooperatives, user-led services and the third sector will also be laid alongside the Code of Practice.
A consultation on strengthening Regional Partnership Boards (RPBs) will soon be issued, with the intention to implement changes to RPBs at the end of December.