09 Jul 2024

Statement from the Care Provider Alliance on the NMC Independent Culture Review

The Care Provider Alliance is deeply troubled by the findings of the independent culture review of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).

The investigation reveals serious issues in parts of the NMC. Whilst some NMC employees report working in a healthy, supportive environment, others feel trapped in a dangerously toxic culture. There are allegations of discrimination and significant failures in safeguarding and fitness to practise processes. These problems strike at the heart of the NMC's ability to regulate and support nursing professionals.

About 33,000 registered nurses work in social care settings. Our sector relies on nurses to provide high-quality clinical care to those with healthcare needs, particularly in care homes but also in community settings. It is therefore crucial we have effective and trustworthy regulators to maintain standards, ensure public safety, drive improvement and, where necessary, enforce regulatory and legal compliance. None of the regulators are inspiring confidence at present.

Of particular concern are the substantial backlogs in fitness to practice cases and the potential risks to public safety highlighted in the report. The care sector cannot afford delays or oversights in addressing concerns about nursing practice, as this risks the safety and wellbeing of those we care for.

Chair of the Care Provider Alliance, Dr Jane Townson OBE said:

“On behalf of the Care Provider Alliance, I urge the NMC to treat this report with the utmost seriousness and to implement its recommendations as a matter of urgency. The regulator must take swift and decisive action to address these deep-rooted issues and rebuild trust with both the nursing profession and the public.

Our shared goal must be to ensure that all nurses, including those in social care, are supported by a regulator that upholds the highest standards of professionalism and public protection. Those drawing on care and support deserve nothing less.​“


The Care Provider Alliance calls for the NMC to provide clear updates on their progress in implementing these reforms. We stand ready to support the NMC throughout this process of change.