24 Jun 2024
by Policy, Practice and Innovation Team

Request for patients to use services as normal, during strike action by junior doctors

NHS England has asked patients to use services as normal, during strike action by junior doctors from 7am on 27 June until 7am on 2 July. NHS England says people should seek urgent medical help using 999 and A&E in life-threatening emergencies only and continue to attend planned appointments unless postponed.

NHS has makes final call for people to get their covid jab

The Spring Covid vaccine programme closes on 30 June 2024.  NHS England has made a final call for those eligible to get vaccinated.  More information.

Workforce Strategy for Adult Social Care - Virtual launch event

Skills for Care is holding an online launch on 18 July 2024 from 10:15 to 11:30, live streamed from an event in London, where the co-chairs of the workforce strategy steering group, Oonagh Smyth and Sir David Pearson, will launch the Workforce Strategy for Adult Social Care. Book virtual event.

CQC seeking to resolve factual accuracy delays

CQC are hopeful a technical issue affecting the factual accuracy process will be resolved next week.  The regulator apologises and will update providers when it is fixed. More information in CQC’s update, 27 June 2024.

London NHS hospitals data theft implications

The Guardian has issued an explainer on the recent data theft affecting patients of seven hospitals run by two NHS trusts, Guy’s and St Thomas’ and King’s College.  This quotes a BBC report which said patients’ names, dates of birth, NHS numbers and “descriptions of blood tests” have been posted online. The Guardian says the stolen data could be used in future scams.

Health and social care budget in England under Conservative and Labour proposals

The BBC reports that the Institute for Fiscal Studies has warned that all three major parties face a £4 bn black hole, if they bring in the social care cost cap. All parties face £4bn social care black hole in England, says IFS - BBC News. The Times has also explained Why a cap on bills won’t fix the care crisis (thetimes.com) (paywall).

Co-production Week 2024 (1-5 July)

SCIE is running a of Co-production Week 2024 from 1 to 5 July and asking people to complete a two question survey so they can publish the results at the start of the week.  The survey asks participants to describe their experience of coproduction and rate their activity in terms of equality, diversity and inclusion.

New strain of mpox in D R Congo

There are press reports of a new strain of mpox in D R Congo, with the risk in that country high. World Health Organisation News.

Death certification reform and the introduction of medical examiners

There has been a change to guidance on death certification reform and the introduction of medical examiners, to include the new medical certificate of cause of death (MCCD).

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