25 Feb 2025
by Policy, Practice and Innovation Team
COVID-19 Day of Reflection 2025 – resources and online map

The COVID-19 Day of Reflection will take place on Sunday, 9 March, and is one of the ten recommendations of the UK Commission on COVID-19 Commemoration. The day will mark the fifth anniversary of the pandemic.  To get involved, see Campaign and resources. Map of local events.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV): vaccination for older adults

The UK Health Security Agency and NHS England have updated resources on respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and the benefits of vaccination to promote the vaccination to older adults. The guidance now includes translated versions of the guide.

Independent review of physician associates and anaesthesia associates

There is a call for evidence to support the independent review of physician associates and anaesthesia associates, which is considering the safety of roles and their contribution to multidisciplinary healthcare teams. The call for evidence closes on 21 March 2025.

Must know: Personalisation and Making It Real in adult social care

Think Local, Act Personal have produced a guide Must know: Personalisation and Making It Real in adult social care, which gives an overview of how to implement personalisation in adult social care.

Ambition to Lead programme

Applications are open for The Queen's Nursing Institute’s 'Ambition to Lead' Leadership Programme 2025, for experienced nurses and Allied Health Professionals working in the community, primary care, and social care.

DBS guidance leaflets

Guidance leaflets relating to eligibility and other DBS services are now available in Welsh.


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