14 Oct 2024
by Policy, Practice and Innovation Team

Start for Life email programme – the place for NHS advice

There is a range of campaigns, programmes and support tools providing NHS advice to parents and carers, on the key topics of breastfeeding, introducing solid foods, the home learning environment and parent-infant relationships. See the Better Health Start for Life print and digital resources at the Campaign Resource Centre to support the work of health care professionals. Start for Life also offers an email programme for new parents.

Integrated workforce planning: Learning from early adopters of the new health and social care workforce plans - 15 November, 11am to 12:30pm

The Care Provider Alliance is holding a webinar so participants can learn from early adopters following the launches of both the Comprehensive Workforce Plan for the NHS and the Social Care (Skills for Care) Workforce Plan. This will bring together key stakeholders from across the NHS and Adult Social Care sector to discuss how workforce integration is advancing in our health and social care systems. Book here.

Report highlights remote and rural issues for Scotland’s healthcare

The Scottish Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport Committee report of its Remote and Rural Healthcare Inquiry recommends a comprehensive audit of social, palliative and end of life care services in remote and rural areas to develop a clear picture of service provision, including the availability of care at home services. The report also mentions travel time issues, where care at home staff are providing care in remote and rural areas.



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