30 Jul 2024

Yesterday the Chancellor announced the government is cancelling social care charging reform. Today, a Ministerial Statement confirmed they will not provide the Adult Social Care Training and Development Fund. As usual, the Treasury is pouring most of the money into the bottomless pit of the NHS.

The government plans to continue funding Adult Social Care Learning and Development at the same level as last year. They say they will continue to develop a Care Workforce Pathway and have launched a new Level 2 Care Certificate qualification. Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training is still on the cards. We are, though, none the wiser on the details of delivery.

The choice to abandon charging reform and extra funding for training raises concerns about the future of social care policy in England.

There is a pressing need for a long-term, sustainable solution to the funding and provision of adult social care. Despite warm noises from the Labour government about fair pay and a National Care Service, there is no sign of the investment needed to make this possible.

We question how the government will fix the NHS without also fixing social care.

Dr Jane Townson OBE, CEO of the Homecare Association commented:

“Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. Social care remains the poor relation to the NHS, despite its crucial role in supporting people to live well at home and reducing pressure on hospitals.

The new government has been quick to share its plans for the NHS, but has said little about social care, apart from talk of fair pay agreements, for which there is no funding.

We call on the government to come clean and clarify its plans for the sector. Without meaningful, funded reform, we risk the collapse of a system that millions depend on. The time for empty promises and half-measures is over – we need action now."