31 May 2024
by Policy, Practice and Innovation Team

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry is encouraging people who worked in care during the pandemic, had a loved one within a care setting or were caring for a loved one at home, to share their stories with Every Story Matters, the part of the Inquiry which gives people the opportunity to share their own experiences.

Stories shared will help Counsel to the Inquiry identify what the Inquiry asks witnesses ahead of the hearings, so it is important it hears from as many people with care sector experiences over the coming months as possible.

There are videos of people sharing their stories on the Inquiry's website and on social media.

The campaign will be running until mid-July, so please share the Inquiry's call for people's experiences on social media.

In particular, it would greatly help portray to the Inquiry what happened to the homecare sector if people working in homecare could share their experiences of the pandemic. 

  • Did you experience PPE shortages?
  • Were you affected by changing or confusing guidance?
  • Did you have to wait to be eligible for regular testing and Covid-19 vaccination?
  • Were you the only professionals to support those at home in the early part of the pandemic, with the heavy responsibility that entailed?
  • Did you feel you were treated equally with health colleagues?
  • Did you put your own health, and that of your family, at risk to care for others?
  • Did you feel that social care was ignored or misunderstood in the pandemic?

It's important that all these experiences are voiced, so please do participate in Every Story Matters. Accessible and easy read formats.

The Inquiry says whatever information is shared will be protected in line with legal requirements, and there is help available for those who need mental health support.

There is more in the Inquiry's May newsletter, including details of Every Story Matters events taking place across the UK from Summer 2024 to Spring 2025, and a new ‘bereaved forum’ for those who lost loved ones during the pandemic.

Hearings for Module 6 on the care sector, are due to start in summer 2025.

Regular updates for Homecare Associations members on the Inquiry are posted here.

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