25 Jun 2024
by Policy, Practice and Innovation Team

The Homecare Association welcomes the Liberal Democrats’ manifesto for care: "A Fair Deal on Care". We are happy to see their laser focus on addressing important issues in the social care sector, including the crucial role of care workers and unpaid carers.

In our previous media release, we expressed our support for the Liberal Democrats’ plans to reform social care. Several aspects of their latest proposal particularly encouraged us:

  1. Introducing free personal care based on the Scottish model is a significant step towards ensuring care is based on need rather than ability to pay.
  2. Establishing a Royal College of Care Workers could greatly enhance the professional status and career progression opportunities in our sector.
  3. Helping unpaid carers with measures like higher Carer's Allowance and paid carer's leave is vital for their well-being and ability to care for their loved ones.
  4. Proposing a cross-party commission to address long-term sustainable funding for social care is necessary to ensure care is accessible for all who need it.

However, we have some concerns and suggestions:

  1. The proposed increase in the Care Worker's Minimum Wage by £2 per hour is a good start, but implementing it will be difficult without adequate funding. Clarification is needed to better understand how this will be funded.
  2. The creation of the Independent Living Taskforce is a positive initiative, but we would like to see more detail on how it will work with existing homecare providers.
  3. The digital strategy for tech-enabled lives is promising, however we urge consideration of the digital divide and would support plans to develop the digital skills of all those across the sector.
  4. We would welcome more specific proposals on how to address the current staffing shortages in homecare, beyond the workforce plan mentioned.
  5. While the National Care Agency could help standardise care quality, we caution against over-centralisation that might reduce local responsiveness.

We would be interested in further discussion on how these proposals will be funded and implemented, ensuring that they don't inadvertently put additional pressure on already struggling care providers.

Commenting on their manifesto, CEO of the Homecare Association, Dr Jane Townson OBE, said:

"The Liberal Democrats' 'A Fair Deal on Care' plan shows a welcome commitment to addressing the challenges facing our social care system.

"However, while these initiatives are promising, we must ensure they are backed by sustainable funding and practical implementation strategies. The homecare sector, which enables people to live independently in their own homes, needs more targeted support. We would welcome further discussion on how these proposals will address the current staffing crisis and support domiciliary care providers who are struggling with rising costs."

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