12 Jun 2024

We welcome the Green Party's recognition of the significant challenges facing the care sector and their commitment to addressing these issues. We share their concern over the large number of individuals awaiting care reviews, payments, or assessments, as well as the current staffing shortages in the sector.

We appreciate the Green Party's proposal to introduce free personal care, similar to the successful model implemented in Scotland. This would undoubtedly help alleviate the financial burden on individuals and families and ensure that those in need receive the care they deserve. Additionally, their proposal to increase pay rates and establish a career structure for carers would aid in attracting and retaining talented professionals, which is essential for rebuilding the care workforce.

The long-term sustainability of such significant investments and the potential impact on the broader health and care system must be taken into consideration. It would be beneficial to understand the Green Party's plans for funding these initiatives and how they intend to ensure that the proposed measures are implemented.

In our manifesto, we stress the importance of the partnerships across social care, health, housing and voluntary sectors, we must empower the people receiving and providing care to help shape services. We encourage the Green Party to consider measures that promote collaboration and integration in the care sector.

Our Chief Executive, Dr Jane Townson OBE commented:

"The Green Party's £23 billion investment pledge for adult and children's social care is welcome. Free personal care and action to increase workforce pay and opportunities are crucial first steps towards stabilising the current system.

“Creating a caring future for our society, however, requires a broader long-term plan. This must encompass early support and prevention, a workforce strategy, housing, technology, innovation, support for families, and funding reform.

“The Homecare Association looks forward to working with Green MPs to ensure social care becomes a high political priority going forward.”

The full manifesto is available to read here.

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