Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is taking place on 1 October 2024 at 3pm on Zoom and registration to attend is open now.

The AGM is an important event where we review our achievements over the past year, discuss future plans and make key decisions for the organisation including announcing the results of the election for new board members.

Join us at the AGM to connect with other members, stay informed about our latest work and help shape the future of the Homecare Association.

The business for the AGM is:
  • Approval of the Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting (and 2023 CEO address);
  • CEO Address;
  • Acceptance of the Annual Impact Report;
  • Election of members of the board;
  • Appointment of Independent Accountants; and
  • Discussion of a motion to change Article 49 of the Articles of Association. This change would affect the eligibility of Non-Executive Board Members to be re-elected after serving a maximum of 9 years.

The motion is:

To change Article 49 of the Articles of Association from

Non-Executive Board Members may serve three continuous periods of office for a maximum period of 9 years. If a Non-Executive Board Member has served for a continuous period of 9 years they are not permitted to stand for re-election for the period from the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting at which they stood down to the commencement of the next following Annual General Meeting.


Non-Executive Board Members may serve three terms of office, each of three years, for a maximum period of 9 years. After a Non-Executive Board Member has served 9 years, either in one continuous period or where multiple periods of office total 9 years, they may not stand for re-election.

This change aims to balance giving non-executive board members an opportunity to contribute, whilst also refreshing board skills, experience, and perspectives.

We look forward to welcoming you to our AGM!