Enhanced DBS checks under £63

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We offer a quick, reliable, online disclosure and barring service

We have been delivering our industry-leading Disclosure and Barring service for over 20 years. Our skilled and friendly team of experts is ready to make sure you are supported through the process saving you time and increasing accuracy.

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Make savings with our new tiered pricing structure
– Tiered pricing is based on how many applications organisations will conduct

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Highly competitive on price
– Our Enhanced DBS checks are under £63.00

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Direct access to our team of experts
– With extensive knowledge of the care sector we offer a highly personalised service, where you will speak to the same people every time

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Expert helpline support with your applications
– to save you time and improve accuracy

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Quick turnaround
– Our market-leading DBS service delivers fast Adult first results many on the same day

Or for more information please contact a member of our team on
t: 020 8661 8188 (option 3) Monday-Friday
e: [email protected]   with your full name, address and telephone number



Our prices

From 2nd of December 2024 the following tiered prices will apply to disclosure applications:

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Find out more about our prices

- Existing organisations will be placed into tiers based on the number of applications submitted to the DBS in the past year. 

- New organisations will be placed into Tier A . Progression through the tiers will be based on application numbers.

Why choose our DBS service?

Our Disclosure Service Team has over 20 years of experience. Our dedicated staff provide a professional, cost-effective and efficient DBS service and are always on hand to assist.

We help you make safer recruitment decisions by completing Disclosure and Barring checks (DBS checks) on your staff. DBS checks are a legal requirement in England and Wales and help you employ staff suitable for working with vulnerable children and adults, whilst helping you comply with statutory regulations.

Our service is available to Homecare Association members and non-member organisations. We are a registered umbrella body with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) enabling businesses and organisations throughout England and Wales to access criminal records data.

We can help you by providing:


  • priority vetting to make sure your applications proceed without delay
  • help with how to use the DBS check information you receive
  • liaison with DBS on your behalf
  • alerts for changes in DBS practices
  • hints and tips that can help you with the recruitment process
  • access to the DBS barred list and DBS first adult checks
  • secure and confidential service.
  • guidance on completing disclosure application forms DBS guide.pdf  


About DBS checks

As an employer you must adopt a robust procedure for checking your employees identity documents when you apply for a disclosure. You must first see the original documents and be satisfied that the correct procedure has been followed and that you have seen sufficient documents to make the disclosure application. For a comprehensive guide on checking documents go to

ID checking guidelines for standard/enhanced DBS check applications from 1 July 2021 - GOV.UK

If you are not sure whether an employee requires a DBS check more information can be found here


Enhanced DBS check

Employees working as care or support workers who provide personal care to vulnerable people may be eligible for an Enhanced DBS check. The certificate will provide the same details as the Standard DBS check but may also contain non-conviction information supplied by relevant police forces if relevant.

Standard DBS check

Employees who do not provide personal care to vulnerable people may be eligible for a standard DBS check.

Barred list checks

An Enhanced DBS check with a Barred Lists certificate will contain the same information as an Enhanced DBS check but will also include a check of one or both Barred Lists.

There are three categories of barred list checks, and these are dependent on who they are employed to work with.

Adult workforce - for employees working in regulated activity with vulnerable adults

Child workforce - for employees working in regulated activity with children

Adult and child workforce - for employees working in regulated activity with vulnerable adults and children.

Incidental contact with children during an employee’s work with vulnerable adults does not count as ‘regulated activity with children’ and they do not require a children’s workforce barred list check.

For more information on regulated activity with vulnerable adults please go to


For more information on regulated activity with children please go to


DBS Code of Practice and sample policies

The Code of Practice for Disclosure and Barring Service Registered Persons must be adhered to if you wish to make Disclosure and Barring applications as a registered person.

In addition, as a registered person you must create and adhere to your own policy documents. We have provided some samples which you can download and modify for your organisation:

Police Performance Information

Over the last 12 months the Disclosure and Barring Service have seen a significant increase for all DBS checks, in particular Enhanced applications that require a referral to the local police force. The DBS is aware of delays for a relatively small number of applications sent to the Police Forces, the document has communication from the DBS regarding why these delays are occurring.

Police Performance Information March 25.pdf