Our Strategy
Homecare Association Strategy
The association’s five-year strategy and business plan were approved by the Board in March 2020.
Since this time, we have refined the strategy into:
Seven strategic statements
- We will maintain and develop our unique position in the market as the only professional association to focus exclusively on supporting organisations involved in all aspects of delivering home-based support and care.
We will be thought leaders, nationally and internationally, shaping and influencing homecare-related research, policy and practice, and driving innovation and improvements in quality and productivity. Our goal is to help members see what is coming over the horizon and prepare their care services to meet the opportunities and challenges of the future.
We will be realistic about our own strengths and resources, and those of others, and where necessary form strategic alliances with other organisations with related but distinct missions or geographies.
We will adopt an evidence-based approach to our work, researching, analysing, questioning and synthesising data, and creating insights and information which offer value.
We will focus on supporting our members to improve the quality of their care services and their business performance by: a) representing their interests; b) providing evidence-based practical support and guidance; c) connecting members with other organisations that can support them in meeting their aims; and d) highlighting the art of the possible and encouraging innovation.
We will expand our membership from approximately 30 per cent of the addressable market to 50 per cent over five years, and engage effectively with members and other stakeholders, to strengthen our collective voice and shape homecare together.
We will focus on improving internal quality and efficiency by ensuring we have the right type and quantity of skills and resources, organised effectively, and the right systems and infrastructure to enable delivery.
Five key themes
During our strategy development work in 2019-2020, we engaged with members individually, in groups and via our membership survey.
This revealed five common, and interdependent, themes of importance to all members, regardless of size, business model, service type or geography.
Our work to represent and support homecare will focus on these five key priority areas:


financial sustainability

quality, innovation, best practice


public understanding and perception
Our principles which drive the values, culture and the way we work as an organisation can be found on the About us page.